Thursday 12 April 2012

Pugs Care

Health problems
Pugs have large eyes and a wrinkled face with a long tongue. Improper care of the wrinkles may sometimes cause adverse health effects.
Since pugs lack longer snouts and prominent skeletal brow ridges, they are susceptible to eye injuries such as proptosis and scratched corneas and painful entropion
They also have compact breathing passageways, leaving many unable to breathe properly or efficiently regulate their temperature through evaporation from the tongue. A pug's normal body temperature is between 101 °F (38 °C) and 102 °F (39 °C). If the temperature rises to 105 °F (41 °C) they are no longer able to cope with cooling themselves and their oxygen demand is greatly increased, and requires cooling down immediately. Should the temperature reach 108 °F (42 °C), the internal organs begin to break down at a cellular level which can lead to severe long term health issues or even death.
Pugs living a mostly sedentary life can be prone to obesity, though this is avoidable with regular exercise and a healthy diet. Pugs are also prone to breathing difficulties caused by a constricted windpipe and flat face. The median life span of Pugs is 11 years.
An investigative documentary carried out by the BBC found significant inbreeding between pedigree dogs, with a study by Imperial College, London, showing that the 10,000 pugs in the UK are so inbred that their gene pool is the equivalent of only 50 individuals.


Serious issues

Pugs can suffer from necrotizing meningoencephalitis (NME), also known as pug dog encephalitis (PDE), an inflammation of the brain and meninges, that also occurs in other small-breed dogs, such as the Maltese and Chihuahua.

There is no known cause or cure for NME, although it is believed to be an inherited disease. All dogs usually die or are euthanized within a few months after the onset of clinical signs, which usually occurs anywhere from 6 months to 7 years of age.
This breed, along with other brachycephalic dogs (e.g., boxers, bulldogs), are also prone to hemivertebrae.
The screwtail is an example of a hemivertebrae, but when it occurs in other areas of the spine it can be devastating, causing such severe paralysis that euthanasia is a serious recommendation. The condition occurs when two parts of the spinal vertebrae do not fuse properly whilst a young pug is still growing, resulting in pressure being placed on the spine.
Common conditions

Care must be taken to prevent a pug from becoming overweight.

As pugs have many wrinkles in their faces, owners normally take special care to clean inside the creases, as irritation and infection can result from improper care. Hip dysplasia is a major problem for the breed, with 63.8% of pugs being affected according to a survey performed by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, and they were ranked second worst affected by the condition out of 157 breeds tested.
                              The pug, like other short-snouted breeds, has an elongated palate. When excited, they are prone to "reverse sneezing," where the dog will quickly, and seemingly laboriously, gasp and snort. The veterinary name for this is Pharyngeal Gag Reflex. This is caused by fluid or debris getting caught under the palate and irritating the throat or limiting breathing. "Reverse sneezing" episodes are usually not harmful to the pug and resolve themselves. Massaging the dog's throat or covering its nose in order to make it breathe through its mouth can often shorten episodes.
Pugs are one of several breeds that are more susceptible to Demodectic mange, also known as Demodex. This condition is caused by a weakened immune system, and it is a minor problem for many young pugs. This causes them to catch diseases much more easily than regular dogs do. It is easily treatable although some are especially susceptible and will present with a systemic form of the condition. This vulnerability is thought to be genetic, and breeders avoid breeding dogs who have had this condition. Inbreeding is also a known cause for these problems.

Media and culture
Pugs have been featured in television and film, including Frank the Pug in the film Men in Black, its sequel and the follow-up animated series. Other films’ featuring the breed includes Hotel for Dogs, The Adventures of Milo and Otis, Disney's Pocahontas and Pocahontas II, Dune, 12 Rounds, and Marie Antoinette. On television, they have appeared in shows such as 101 Dalmatians, The King of Queens, Spin City, Legend of the Dragon, The West Wing and Eastenders.
                           Pugs have also appeared in a variety of fictional print media, including the hypnotic Petula in the "Molly Moon" series, Lady Bertram's pug in Mansfield Park and in the book Pugs: God's Little Weirdos, a spin off from the Sheldon web comic. They also featured in Nintendogs for the Nintendo DS handheld video game console and a "Perky Pug" pet can be accessed in Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft. Cheeka is a famous pug who appeared in the "You & I" advertising campaign of Hutch's cellular service, Vodafone, in India. Celebrity pug owners include financial radio talk show host and best-selling author Dave Ramsey, comedienne Maria Bamford, broadcaster Jonathan Ross, actress Jessica Alba, actor Hugh Laurie, guitarist Jamie Jazz, fashion designer Valentino Garavani, footballer Zlatan Ibrahimović, actor Gerard Butler, actress Jenna Elfman and musician Rob Zombie. The Duke and Duchess of Windsor doted on the pug dogs they kept.

In a 23 May 2007, web issue of The Onion, the breed was lampooned in a satirical news article titled "Dog Breeders Issue Massive Recall of '07 Pugs". The piece satirized pugs and their breeders by writing of the dog and its characteristics as a faulty product, "evidenced" by a fictional quote from the American Pug Breeders Association director: "While pug owners are accustomed to dog malfunction, the latest animals are prone to more problems than just the usual joint failures, overheating, seizures, chronic respiratory defects, and inability to breed without assistance. The latest model Pug is simply not in any way a viable dog."


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